Why Organise a Site Inspection Before Buying the Land

Structural Site Inspections

It happens regularly, a new homebuyer purchases the land and then finds out it isn’t ideal for their requirements. There is no cooling off period when buying land in Western Australia, so they are faced with the expensive and difficult decision to keep or sell it. A site inspection before the sale went through might have saved them tens of thousands of dollars in unexpected costs.

Reasons Why Land May Not Be Suitable

It’s difficult for a novice to look at a block of land and analyse its suitability. An inspection by a qualified building surveyor may help identify any issues. You are then well placed to decide to keep looking for another block, or you have peace of mind that you are buying the right block.

Site Works

Site conditions can impact the cost of building a house due to the preparation needed to get the site ready for the foundations to begin.

Site conditions include:

  • the water table height
  • type of soil on a block
  • limestone or trees that need to be removed
  • distribution of the soil on the block

A site inspection can reveal how compatible the block is to building your house design and the estimated site costs.


If you are keen to build a house and install solar panels to reduce your footprint and save on utility bills, you need to consider the orientation of the house. If the block faces north, you may not have enough north-facing roof space to accommodate solar panels.

If you would like an environmentally-friendly home that makes use of winter sun warming your living area, you will need a block and house design that allows for the living space to be on the north side.


By obtaining a copy of the title for the block from Landgate you and your site inspector will be able to discuss any building restrictions placed on the block. These restrictions can impact on the house design you may want to build. They may dictate the type of building materials allowed, the style of house required and if the building must be completed within a particular timeframe. The site inspection can also confirm that the boundaries are correct.   

Building Challenges

An inspection of a block of land can reveal any problems that may occur during the approval and building processes. The intended house design may not fit on the block due to proximity to fences or other dwellings. The ground may slope or the block may require large retaining walls.   

Advanced Building Engineers can assist with site inspections at whatever stage you’re at. Whether you are considering a block of land or you have started construction, get in touch and we’ll have one of our experienced engineers on site when you require.