Energy Efficiency Certification

Advanced Building Engineers has assisted homeowners to achieve the minimum 6 star Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) rating. Our consultants can analyse plans for a new house or major renovation as well as conduct inspections on existing properties.

Our experts in energy efficiency will work with you until your plans meet minimum requirements. We don’t just point out the problems; we’ll offer you solutions that can improve the star rating of your property. Being designers as well as energy efficiency certifiers, we can analyse, make recommendations and alter your plans.

We’ll prepare all the documentation you need to submit to council with plans.

Our Process

We have a process we follow for analysing your building plans to determine its star rating.

  1. We review and analyse your plans using sophisticated software
  2. If your plans meet the minimum 6 stars, we will forward your energy efficiency documentation ready for submitting to council
  3. If your plans don’t meet minimum standard, we’ll advise you of the main problems and our recommendations for changes
  4. You either ask us to make the alterations to the plans or prepare a report to take to your designer/architect.

If you need fast and efficient certification, call Advanced Building Engineers on 9382 8888.

Our minimum price for certification of a single storey property is $300 while a double storey is $450.

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